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VO2 Max Lactate Threshold Testing
VO2 Machine Currently Out of Order
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Dr. Silberman trained at a United States Olympic Committee Sports Science and Technology National Network Testing Facility. Dr. Silberman at New Jersey Sports Medicine performs the same VO2 Max Lactate Threshold testing our Olympic athletes get.
For cyclists, VO2 max lactate threshold test is performed using your own bicycle and consists of a ramp protocol of cycling at progressively higher resistances until exhaustion. The testing session lasts one hour.
Data you will leave with:
Power at Lactate Threshold
Maximum aerobic power (MAP) = watts at VO2 Max
Pattern of heart rate as power output increases
Pattern of blood lactate levels as power output increases
Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 Max)
Maximum heart rate
Training Zones for an individual training program
For runners, testing is performed on a treadmill.
VO2 Max Test for runners: Run on treadmill at predetermined set speed with increase in gradient 1% every minute until exhaustion. No lactate samples measured. Data you will leave with: maximum oxygen uptake, maximum heart rate, heart rate at 'lactate threshold' based on non-blood parameters.
Lactate Threshold Test for runners: Run on treadmill at progressively higher speeds every three minutes with finger prick sample of blood for lactate measurement. Must be able to hop off and straddle moving treadmill and hop back with each stage. Test does not have to go to exhaustion. Speed and Heart Rate at lactate levels of 2 and 4 mmol are determined with pattern of heart rate and lactate as speed increases.
Lactate testing for swimmers also available and would be done at your pool deck.
Dr. Silberman has worked with Professional triathletes, cyclists, and runners, national champions, national record holders, Major League professional athletes, collegiate and high school athletes, mountain climbers, motocross athletes, rowers, and more. With coaching, he has increased VO2 in moderately trained individuals by more than 20%.
The cost is $700 for one VO2 Max Lactate test.
What to Bring for Cycling Power Output Lactate V02 Max Testing
Consent Form for VO2 Max Lactate Test (Fill out and bring to test)
Physical Readiness Questionnaire(Fill out and bring to VO2 max test)
Sample Athlete Lactate Curve
How do you compare to a professional cyclist?
Test Protocol for VO2 Max Lactate Maximum Aerobic Power Test