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New Jersey Prolotherapy

Dr. Silberman specializes in regenerative injections, prolotherapy injection therapy and neural prolotherapy for back pain, joint, tendon, muscle, nerve, ligament injuries, degeneration and arthritis, inflammatory conditions, and chronic pain.  Dr. Silberman trained under one of the pioneers in the field of prolotherapy and  regenerative medicine, Dr. Brian Shiple, while a fellow at the Crozer Chester Medical Center Sports Medicine Institute.  

What is prolotherapy, prolo, or neural prolotherapy?
Prolotherapy or prolo is a treatment where a solution, most commonly dextrose, is injected into cutaneous nerves (neural prolotherapy), injured or degenerative ligament, tendon, muscle or arthritic joints to stimulate a local inflammatory response. Your body then induces a healing response through its own production of growth factors and other nutrients.  Prolotherapy case reports appear to confirm that prolotherapy does stimulate tissue growth in tendon (patellar), ligament (anterior talofibular), and meniscus (medial meniscus) and that this is an organized growth with a return toward a normal appearance on ultrasound and MRI.

"Prolo" is short for proliferation and is derived from 'proli' which means to regenerate.

Conditions Dr. Silberman may treat with Prolotherapy or Neural Prolotherapy:
Sacroiliac pain, Sacroiliac arthritis, Sacroiliac ligament sprain
Tennis Elbow (lateral epicondylitis), Tears and Tendinosis and Tendinopathy
Rotator Cuff Tendinosis and Rotator Cuff Tears
Patella or Quadriceps Tendinosis and Tears (jumper's knee or runner's knee)
Achilles Tendinosis, Achilles Tears
Plantar Fasciitis or Fasciosis (heel pain)
Hamstring tendon tears or insertional high hamstring 'tendonitis'
Hamstring and Quadriceps and Gastrocnemius Calf Muscle Tears
Chronic and Acute ligament sprains
Osteochondral cartilage joint injuries
Osteoarthritis, Lyme arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis
Piriformis Syndrome, Buttock Pain
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

What to expect with prolotherapy or neural prolotherapy?
Your skin will be numbed with lidocaine as for a usual cortisone injection.  A solution of dextrose will be injected in multiple sites under ultrasound guidance.  A local reaction will occur whereby you may be sore for a day or so.  The process may be repeated every 2 weeks for up to 6 to 8 weeks before evaluation for success.

What is the cost of prolotherapy or neural prolotherapy?
The cost of one prolotherapy injection therapy is $500 for one joint/tendon/ligament or 'body part'.  
It is not covered by insurance.


Click for Consent Form.

Is prolotherapy for everyone?
No.  I have seen many athletes and patients come from other locations treated with prolotherapy, ozone, autohemotherapy, prolozone, shock wave therapy, Tenex, stem cells, and/or PRP when they should not have been treated with these out of pocket treatments.  Ozone is considered a toxic gas with no known useful medical application.  Be wary of "award winning doctors" from New Jersey regenerative institutes and web site testimonials as they do not constitute science.

Other injection therapies that Dr. Silberman may discuss with you:
Cortisone - covered by insurance
Viscosupplementation (Synvisc) - covered by insurance
PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy - not covered by insurance
Bone Marrow Aspirate Stem Cell Injection - not covered by insurance
Tenotomy or Percutaneous Needling - covered by insurance
Nerve Blocks - covered by insurance
Botox - sometimes covered by insurance

Perineural Injection Therapy in the Management of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A
Sweet Solution to Pain

Periarticular dextrose prolotherapy instead of intra-articular injection for pain and
functional improvement in knee osteoarthritis

The efficacy of prolotherapy for lateral epicondylosis (tennis elbow)

High-Resolution Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Document Tissue
Repair After Prolotherapy: A Report of 3 Cases


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